The Franklin High School Art Club showcased student creativity at its Art Gala, held Jan. 17, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the WiFi Cafe.
This event featured a diverse collection of student artwork, ranging from paintings and drawings to digital art and collages. Students had the opportunity to auction their pieces or simply display them.
A portion of the proceeds benefited both the artist and charitable causes: 50% went to the artists, 35% was donated to the Save the Children Foundation, and 15% supported the Art Club. The after-school portion of the gala welcomed the community to view the artwork, place bids, and vote for their favorite pieces.
These winners included Jose Zamora with Death Before Me (acrylic) in 3rd place, Nolan Cloud with Mr. James is Calling (digital media) in 2nd, and Z Rivas with Konig (acrylic) in first place. Artists dedicated their time and talent to preparing for the gala, starting as early as Nov.
The highest bid was $150 for the art piece Light Yagami, Oil Paint by Ella Her-Xiong.